At KCC we believe that God created you, and your life has incredible, intrinsic worth.
Sin devalues us, and pride separates us from getting the help that we ultimately need.
Help is found in God, who knows us intimately.
God sent Jesus to save us from ourselves, to introduce us to the potential of becoming reconnected to the life of God
Our ministry team has a passion to see every life mended - Healed and whole
Every person molded - Their character strengthened
Every individual mentored - Their gifts and abilities honed
And every member a minister - Mobilized for ministry, locally and globally
our 7 core values
We believe that knowing God, finding freedom, discovering purpose and making a difference are the four pillars of how your personal relationship with God and your impact on the world can continue to evolve.
Over the past 40 years Kelowna Christian Center’s leadership has continued to seek God and to integrate what the Holy Spirit was saying into a local expression. We commit to the essential truths of Christian faith and remain flexible to the methodologies God wants to use to convey those truths to our world.
We have a fervent passion to see personal, family, church, city and national transformation, and work to ensure that our children have the hope of a future, bright and full of potential.
Making the most of your personality
Download the DISC Assessment and take a deeper look into who God has called you to be
discovering your spiritual gifts
Download the Spiritual Giftings Test and discover which attributes you are most gifted in